多对象跟踪(MOT)是一项具有挑战性的任务,涉及检测场景中的对象并通过一系列帧跟踪它们。由于时间阻塞以及一系列图像序列的变化,评估此任务很困难。 Kitti等数据集上基准MOT方法的主要评估度量已成为高阶跟踪准确性(HOTA)度量,该指标能够更好地描述MOTA,DETA和IDF1等指标的性能。点检测和跟踪是一项密切相关的任务,可以将其视为对象检测的特殊情况。但是,评估检测任务本身(点距离与边界框重叠)存在差异。当包括时间维度和多视图方案时,评估任务变得更加复杂。在这项工作中,我们提出了一个多视图高阶跟踪指标(MVHOTA),以确定多点(多企业和多级)检测的准确性,同时考虑到时间和空间关联。 MVHOTA可以解释为检测,关联和对应准确性的几何平均值,从而为每个因素提供相等的权重。我们通过以前有组织的医疗挑战中的公开内窥镜检测数据集证明了用例。此外,我们与此用例的其他调整后的MOT指标进行比较,讨论MVHOTA的属性,并展示提出的对应准确性和闭塞指数如何促进对闭塞处理方法的分析。该代码将公开可用。
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目的:二尖瓣修复是心脏瓣膜的复杂微创手术。在这种情况下,来自内窥镜图像的缝合线检测是一种高度相关的任务,该任务提供了分析缝合模式的定量信息,评估假肢配置并产生增强的现实可视化。面部或解剖标志性的检测任务通常包含固定数量的地标,并使用回归或固定的基于热线图的方法来定位标志性。然而,在内窥镜检查中,每个图像中存在不同数量的缝合线,并且缝合线可能发生在环形空中的任何位置,因为它们不是语义唯一的。方法:在这项工作中,我们将缝合检测任务制定为多实例的深热映射回归问题,以识别缝合线的进入和退出点。我们扩展了我们以前的工作,并介绍了一个新颖的使用2D高斯层,然后是可分辨率的2D空间软氩模层作为局部非最大抑制。结果:我们用多种热映射分布功能和所提出的模型的两个变体呈现广泛的实验。在术中帧内结构域中,变体1在基线上显示了+0.0422的平均f1。类似地,在模拟器域中,变体1在基线上显示了+0.0865的平均f1。结论:拟议的模型显示出在帧内和模拟器域中的基线上的改进。在Miccai Adaptor2021挑战HTTPS://Adaptor2021.github.io/的范围内公开可用,以及https://github.com/cardio-ai/suture-detection-pytorch/的代码。 DOI:10.1007 / S11548-021-02523-W。可以在此处找到与开放式接入文章的链接:https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2FS11548-021-02523
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Diffusion models have achieved justifiable popularity by attaining state-of-the-art performance in generating realistic objects from seemingly arbitrarily complex data distributions, including when conditioning generation on labels. Unfortunately, however, their iterative nature renders them very computationally inefficient during the sampling process. For the multi-class conditional generation problem, we propose a novel, structurally unique framework of diffusion models which are hierarchically branched according to the inherent relationships between classes. In this work, we demonstrate that branched diffusion models offer major improvements in efficiently generating samples from multiple classes. We also showcase several other advantages of branched diffusion models, including ease of extension to novel classes in a continual-learning setting, and a unique interpretability that offers insight into these generative models. Branched diffusion models represent an alternative paradigm to their traditional linear counterparts, and can have large impacts in how we use diffusion models for efficient generation, online learning, and scientific discovery.
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The polynomial kernels are widely used in machine learning and they are one of the default choices to develop kernel-based classification and regression models. However, they are rarely used and considered in numerical analysis due to their lack of strict positive definiteness. In particular they do not enjoy the usual property of unisolvency for arbitrary point sets, which is one of the key properties used to build kernel-based interpolation methods. This paper is devoted to establish some initial results for the study of these kernels, and their related interpolation algorithms, in the context of approximation theory. We will first prove necessary and sufficient conditions on point sets which guarantee the existence and uniqueness of an interpolant. We will then study the Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces (or native spaces) of these kernels and their norms, and provide inclusion relations between spaces corresponding to different kernel parameters. With these spaces at hand, it will be further possible to derive generic error estimates which apply to sufficiently smooth functions, thus escaping the native space. Finally, we will show how to employ an efficient stable algorithm to these kernels to obtain accurate interpolants, and we will test them in some numerical experiment. After this analysis several computational and theoretical aspects remain open, and we will outline possible further research directions in a concluding section. This work builds some bridges between kernel and polynomial interpolation, two topics to which the authors, to different extents, have been introduced under the supervision or through the work of Stefano De Marchi. For this reason, they wish to dedicate this work to him in the occasion of his 60th birthday.
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Aiming at highly accurate object detection for connected and automated vehicles (CAVs), this paper presents a Deep Neural Network based 3D object detection model that leverages a three-stage feature extractor by developing a novel LIDAR-Camera fusion scheme. The proposed feature extractor extracts high-level features from two input sensory modalities and recovers the important features discarded during the convolutional process. The novel fusion scheme effectively fuses features across sensory modalities and convolutional layers to find the best representative global features. The fused features are shared by a two-stage network: the region proposal network (RPN) and the detection head (DH). The RPN generates high-recall proposals, and the DH produces final detection results. The experimental results show the proposed model outperforms more recent research on the KITTI 2D and 3D detection benchmark, particularly for distant and highly occluded instances.
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This paper presents the development of a system able to estimate the 2D relative position of nodes in a wireless network, based on distance measurements between the nodes. The system uses ultra wide band ranging technology and the Bluetooth Low Energy protocol to acquire data. Furthermore, a nonlinear least squares problem is formulated and solved numerically for estimating the relative positions of the nodes. The localization performance of the system is validated by experimental tests, demonstrating the capability of measuring the relative position of a network comprised of 4 nodes with an accuracy of the order of 3 cm and an update rate of 10 Hz. This shows the feasibility of applying the proposed system for multi-robot cooperative localization and formation control scenarios.
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Steerable convolutional neural networks (CNNs) provide a general framework for building neural networks equivariant to translations and other transformations belonging to an origin-preserving group $G$, such as reflections and rotations. They rely on standard convolutions with $G$-steerable kernels obtained by analytically solving the group-specific equivariance constraint imposed onto the kernel space. As the solution is tailored to a particular group $G$, the implementation of a kernel basis does not generalize to other symmetry transformations, which complicates the development of group equivariant models. We propose using implicit neural representation via multi-layer perceptrons (MLPs) to parameterize $G$-steerable kernels. The resulting framework offers a simple and flexible way to implement Steerable CNNs and generalizes to any group $G$ for which a $G$-equivariant MLP can be built. We apply our method to point cloud (ModelNet-40) and molecular data (QM9) and demonstrate a significant improvement in performance compared to standard Steerable CNNs.
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The development and adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies in space applications is growing quickly as the consensus increases on the potential benefits introduced. As more and more aerospace engineers are becoming aware of new trends in AI, traditional approaches are revisited to consider the applications of emerging AI technologies. Already at the time of writing, the scope of AI-related activities across academia, the aerospace industry and space agencies is so wide that an in-depth review would not fit in these pages. In this chapter we focus instead on two main emerging trends we believe capture the most relevant and exciting activities in the field: differentiable intelligence and on-board machine learning. Differentiable intelligence, in a nutshell, refers to works making extensive use of automatic differentiation frameworks to learn the parameters of machine learning or related models. Onboard machine learning considers the problem of moving inference, as well as learning, onboard. Within these fields, we discuss a few selected projects originating from the European Space Agency's (ESA) Advanced Concepts Team (ACT), giving priority to advanced topics going beyond the transposition of established AI techniques and practices to the space domain.
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The term ``neuromorphic'' refers to systems that are closely resembling the architecture and/or the dynamics of biological neural networks. Typical examples are novel computer chips designed to mimic the architecture of a biological brain, or sensors that get inspiration from, e.g., the visual or olfactory systems in insects and mammals to acquire information about the environment. This approach is not without ambition as it promises to enable engineered devices able to reproduce the level of performance observed in biological organisms -- the main immediate advantage being the efficient use of scarce resources, which translates into low power requirements. The emphasis on low power and energy efficiency of neuromorphic devices is a perfect match for space applications. Spacecraft -- especially miniaturized ones -- have strict energy constraints as they need to operate in an environment which is scarce with resources and extremely hostile. In this work we present an overview of early attempts made to study a neuromorphic approach in a space context at the European Space Agency's (ESA) Advanced Concepts Team (ACT).
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Searching for a path between two nodes in a graph is one of the most well-studied and fundamental problems in computer science. In numerous domains such as robotics, AI, or biology, practitioners develop search heuristics to accelerate their pathfinding algorithms. However, it is a laborious and complex process to hand-design heuristics based on the problem and the structure of a given use case. Here we present PHIL (Path Heuristic with Imitation Learning), a novel neural architecture and a training algorithm for discovering graph search and navigation heuristics from data by leveraging recent advances in imitation learning and graph representation learning. At training time, we aggregate datasets of search trajectories and ground-truth shortest path distances, which we use to train a specialized graph neural network-based heuristic function using backpropagation through steps of the pathfinding process. Our heuristic function learns graph embeddings useful for inferring node distances, runs in constant time independent of graph sizes, and can be easily incorporated in an algorithm such as A* at test time. Experiments show that PHIL reduces the number of explored nodes compared to state-of-the-art methods on benchmark datasets by 58.5\% on average, can be directly applied in diverse graphs ranging from biological networks to road networks, and allows for fast planning in time-critical robotics domains.
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